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Legal Advice

Estate Settlement

Estate settlements are carried out with the utmost care and attention to detail. We provide peace of mind to you and your family during a challenging time. We ensure that the decedent's wishes are carried out efficiently, legally, and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

Office Meeting

Will & Protective Mandate

Having a will is of utmost importance in Quebec. We offer a range of will options designed to meet your unique needs.

In cases of physical or mental incapacity, it is vital to honor the individual's wishes regarding their care, possessions, and personal matters.

Elderly Couple Contract

Non-Contentious Proceedings

We help you with procedures such as tutorship to incapacitated adults, tutorship for minors, homologation of a protective mandate, verification of will and adoption.

Lawyer with Clients

Marriage Celebration & Contract

When it comes to civil marriage in Quebec, we take care of all the administrative procedures with speed and precision, ensuring that your marriage is conducted in accordance with Quebec's legal framework. Additionally, we offer comprehensive marriage contracts that are tailored to your specific needs, whether they are pre-marriage or post-marriage.

Power of Attorney

Power of Attorney

A power of attorney is a valuable legal tool that can allow you to plan for unforeseen circumstances and ensure your affairs are managed by a trusted representative. We play a crucial role in drafting and executing these documents to protect your interests and provide peace of mind.



We ensure the authenticity and legality of documents and statements, and they are often a mandatory step in various legal and financial transactions.

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